Saturday, January 1, 2011

What Golf Swing Trainer Should I Use?

What Golf Swing Trainer Should I Use?
Use A Golf Swing Trainer Club To Increase Your Distance
A golf swing trainer club can improve distance and yards off the tee! ... your drive you should use a suitable golf swing trainer club to make sure that your practice ... What Golf Swing Trainer Should I Use?

What Golf Swing Trainer Should I Use? There are a ton of golf swing trainers on the market, ranging in price from around $50 to all the way up to a couple hundred, so how do you know which swing aid to get? Well, one of the first things you can do, is research them. Type in golf swing trainers in google and try to find a review site, or a site that gives information, and not just sells the training device.

One thing you should pay attention to is what the swing aid promises to do. It might be a anti-hook device. Or maybe, it's a slice fixer type aid. For the most part, each aid accomplishes (or fixes) a certain swing issue, so with a little bit of research, you can find one that is exactly what you need.

The better swing trainers will actually allow you to hit a ball while using it, so you get instant feedback as to if you are making the right change in your swing, to get the result you're looking for.

In my opinion, there are a handful of trainers you can use in your home, and do drills with them, that is very effective. This is one instance where you are not hitting a ball, but you are ingraining new muscle memory into your body, so that the next time you go out to practice or play, you will start seeing better ball contact, consistency and even power.

I'm a big proponent to golf specific training to improve your golf swing. The worst thing you can do, is pound golf balls at the range, because you will only ingrain more poor muscle memory, and make it nearly impossible to ever fix it.

What Golf Swing Trainer Should I Use?
Article Source:
By: Mike T Pedersen

What Golf Swing Trainer Should I Use?
What Golf Swing Trainer Should I Use? By: Mike T Pedersen. There are a ton of golf swing trainers on the market, ranging in price from around $50 to all the way ... What Golf Swing Trainer Should I Use?
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